My Blog

If it’s yellow let it mellow

One simple thing we all can start doing immediately. FLUSH THE TOILET LESS. "If it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown flush it down" is my motto. or better still if you're in the country then pee outside. In a year the average person with modern plumbing can save 6,230 Litres of water per year. A four person family is 25,000 litres per year. A town of…

Spring Water Harvest

As part of my self care, wellness and nature connection practice I only drink living spring or creek water. When I'm in cities I either drive out to the closest source of good water every couple of weeks or, in the worst case, I buy the best bottled water I can find. Finding good water is easy when I'm out of the city and in nature.  I look for a…

Meditation for clearing Sovereignty

We can be hijacked from our sovereignty anywhere we have given our power away. This can be due to lies that we have believed, manipulations of our greatest fears and desires and any other reason we give away our power. By hijacking of sovereignty, I mean when our exhibited behaviour does not match our espoused values. For example, that time when you were angry and shouted at and belittled someone…

Playing the game of community

Watching the world cup rugby final I got to thinking. Participating in community is like playing a sport. A group of people get together to do something with a common purpose and a clear set of rules. In sport you learn the rules and some skills then go do it and have fun. If you want to be good at it then you need to thoroughly understand the rules, learn…

Wild Community Ecovillages – Prevention, Preparation and the Dream

Ecovillages - the dream, the prevention and the preparation For me, Ecovillages are one of the answers to creating a healthy society. They are many people’s dream lifestyle, part of the prevention of environmental collapse and are also the preparation in case things do get hard ie Ecovillages are the dream, the prevention and the preparation all in one solution. I’d like to see many more villages created - hundreds…

Community is a process – not a destination

Community - a hardship or an adventure? How do we think about living in community? As a really difficult and hard journey, people are painful? Or do you think of it as a fun, full of learning and adventure? There will be moments of magic, moments of dullness and moments that are really hard. That is true of any life you choose. There are things that need to be let…

Alarm bells are ringing and we are discussing the weather!

Personally for me, the climate debate and the Greta debate are a distraction from the obvious. It is a massive waste of energy and is blocking people from making decisions and taking action. Time is of the essence and collectively we are wasting it. A self care request - The thought of our possible future can be very emotionally challenging to look at. I suggest that if you are new…

Decision making in communities

The challenges of communal decision making Winston Churchill said “democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms” … well what Winston is observing is that collective decision making is challenging and us humans are still figuring out how to do it really well. Most decision making in groups I’ve seen from community to small business to corporate is very linear, rational and time bound. The…