If it’s yellow let it mellow

If it is Yellow let it Mellow :: Water Saving

One simple thing we all can start doing immediately. FLUSH THE TOILET LESS. “If it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown flush it down” is my motto. or better still if you’re in the country then pee outside.

In a year the average person with modern plumbing can save 6,230 Litres of water per year. A four person family is 25,000 litres per year. A town of 100,000 people: 623 million litres per year.

In this time of water shortages it’s not only worth it but critical. Even without water shortages minimising flushing saves all the chemicals and water infrastructure to provide the water and then the sewerage infrastructure. It is still a big benefit.

Some statistics:
* old toilets can use over 20 litres per flush, modern toilets in the USA use around 5 litres per flush
* On average a person flushes 5 times a day, 1.5 times being brown.