Rituals and Initiations

Initiations and Rights of Passage: Cultivate self-knowledge and foster core personal development: the making of whole human beings Ceremony and Ritual: Work with the energies of the sun, moon and the seasons to empower your personal unfolding and align with the cycles of nature

I design and facilitate the following:

Ritual and Ceremony:

  • New and full moon
  • Solstice and Equinox
  • Walking the bounds
  • Earth healing
  • Manifestation

Initiation and Rights of Passage:

  • Earth Rebirth
  • Vision Quests

The Earth Rebirth Initiation

The Earth Rebirth Initiation is a death and rebirth initiation ceremony. It comes in the form of an overnight burial, with your face above ground, which is intended to initiate new ways of seeing and being in life’s interconnections through deep earthing.

Traditionally it is a masculine rites-of-passage that was held at the crucial time around puberty effectively putting a cap on the development of the male ego. In modern times both genders embody a masculine ego and both men and women attend this ceremony. It is a strong experience, a warrior initiation. Many women who have experienced it describe it as the “closest thing to child birth” they have experienced. Except you are rebirthing yourself.

Many you have experienced this initiation have reported the following:

  • Logic and reason balanced with feeling and intuition
  • Masculine balanced with feminine
  • Strengthened in areas of weakness
  • Deeper connection with self and nature
  • Letting go of mental and emotional baggage
  • Improved emotional resilience

We will gather at the ceremony site for you to begin digging your burial site, just before dusk we will have a circle, at dusk you are buried and at dawn rebirthed. During the night the supporters are present around fire. In the morning the site will be cared for and cleaned up with a sharing / integration circle and closing. The rest of the day is free for you to wander and take time out in nature or return home. You may stay on the ceremony site till 4pm in the afternoon if you wish.

If you are interested in this initiation please consider the following:

  1. You are completely self responsible. You are the decider of your readiness for this initiation.
  2. You enter this initiation of your own free will. Consider all the information carefully about the ceremony, your health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), what you need for your own personal growth and make your own call.
  3. What you get out of the initiation and what the experience will be for you is a mystery – no promises can be made. Everyone has a different experience and a different set of learnings. Everyone gets the workshop they need even if it is not what they thought they were there for.
  4. The initiation is between you and nature. There are supporters but no facilitator, no shaman, just you and nature.
  5. There is no option to leave mid-process unless a number of observers agree that you are in a life threatening situation
  6. You wear thermal kidney protection – 1 cm rubber like a cut up sleeping mat works well.
  7. No drugs, plant medicines or alcohol to be consumed during or just prior to the ceremony

Ty’s Earth Rebirth Experience

Marco and Rowan’s Experience

Kelly and Greame


  • I design rituals, ceremonies, initiations and rights of passages with individuals or groups
  • I provide facilitation of the rituals, ceremonies, initiations and rights of passages
  • I’m happy to travel to you


  • Depends greatly on what is being done and where it is, I’d like to have a discussion with you to work out the pricing. Please contact to start this process.