Wild Community Ecovillages – Prevention, Preparation and the Dream

Ecovillages – the dream, the prevention and the preparation For me, Ecovillages are one of the answers to creating a healthy society. They are many people’s dream lifestyle, part of the prevention of environmental collapse and are also the preparation in case things do get hard ie Ecovillages are the dream, the prevention and the preparation all in one solution. I’d like to see many more villages created – hundreds…

Community is a process – not a destination

Community – a hardship or an adventure? How do we think about living in community? As a really difficult and hard journey, people are painful? Or do you think of it as a fun, full of learning and adventure? There will be moments of magic, moments of dullness and moments that are really hard. That is true of any life you choose. There are things that need to be let…

Decision making in communities

The challenges of communal decision making Winston Churchill said “democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms” … well what Winston is observing is that collective decision making is challenging and us humans are still figuring out how to do it really well. Most decision making in groups I’ve seen from community to small business to corporate is very linear, rational and time bound. The…