Wild Community Ecovillages – Prevention, Preparation and the Dream

Ecovillages – the dream, the prevention and the preparation For me, Ecovillages are one of the answers to creating a healthy society. They are many people’s dream lifestyle, part of the prevention of environmental collapse and are also the preparation in case things do get hard ie Ecovillages are the dream, the prevention and the preparation all in one solution. I’d like to see many more villages created – hundreds…

Alarm bells are ringing and we are discussing the weather!

Personally for me, the climate debate and the Greta debate are a distraction from the obvious. It is a massive waste of energy and is blocking people from making decisions and taking action. Time is of the essence and collectively we are wasting it. A self care request – The thought of our possible future can be very emotionally challenging to look at. I suggest that if you are new…